Our ego is our protection, it came about to keep us safe when we stepped into being and were not met.

Our ego looks and tries to find ways to give to parts of us that…

long to be seen and were not…

long to be celebrated and we were not…

long to be known because we were not noticed…

and at the heart of the longing was a longing to be unconditionally loved so we could know our fullness.

Our ego is not wrong or evil it is us separated from our heart, our soul and our healed self.

It arose out of hurt because in a world with so much trauma, often we were not met in our fullness and loved for all of us… 

because those who held us already held their own pain.

When we are not met a separation began to occur.

We needed to do in order to receive something we believed showed we are worthy in some way.

So we now look for what we didn’t receive when we were first held from the outside, and we often begin to make decisions to elicit outside validation.

Our beautiful ego, the part that separated from our deep knowing we are loved and are love did so in order to prove that it is true.

Our ego is a separation from ourselves and each other. This separation although there to protect us causes more pain - because when forget we are all one - there arises a separation of a me and a you and in that there is pulling towards and a pushing away.

So Go gently with your Ego, it is only trying to help you receive what was not given. When we heal the pain of the moments when it first came about - we begin to give to ourselves that which couldn’t be given and our ego softens because it is no longer needed.

Much love 


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